Mid-Autumn Festival in Tuyen Quang – Unique Cultural Feature

(BAFU) – Thanh Tuyen Festival is not only a unique cultural feature every Mid-Autumn Festival in Tuyen Quang province, attracting a large number of old and young people, men and women, and ethnic groups to participate, but is also the largest Mid-Autumn Festival in the country, with many records confirmed by the Vietnam Guinness Book of Records such as: The festival with the most unique and largest Mid-Autumn lantern models in Vietnam, The largest Mid-Autumn Festival tray in Vietnam, The largest pair of lanterns in Vietnam.

The Thanh Tuyen Festival began in 2004 and precedes the Mid-Autumn Festival, which also falls in September. It has been confirmed by the Vietnam Guinness Book of Records as having the largest lanterns in Vietnam. These days, all the main roads of Tuyen Quang city are extremely bustling and colorful with giant models of Mid-Autumn Festival lights. For many years now, giant models of Mid-Autumn Festival lights have become a “brand” of Tuyen Quang, attracting the attention of people and tourists.

Thousands of people join the parade

Sea of ​​people took to the streets to process the giant Mid-Autumn Festival lights in Tuyen Quang - Photo 4.

After a 2-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 epidemic, a vibrant, colorful, shimmering Mid-Autumn Festival returns is the desire of all people in Tuyen Quang. Tuyen Quang city had been crowded and bustling every day with dozens of models of Mid-Autumn lanterns made by people and paraded through the streets.

“”After 2 years of hiatus due to the Covid-19 epidemic, all people in the province are very excited, the Tuyen Thanh Festival in 2022 was re-organized on a provincial scale, with the participation of districts and cities in the province, a number of foreign localities with friendly cooperative relations with the province and a number of agencies, organizations and businesses inside and outside the province. This year, the festival starts earlier than usual. The street was decorated early. Right from the full moon night of July until now, every day the streets are full of people participating in the procession of lights. One of the highlights of this year’s festival is the Tuyen Citadel Night Party, which includes a procession of 62 giant mid-autumn lanterns resembling multi-colored dragons, phoenixes, and carp, beloved characters from fairy tales and fables, and local specialties and landscapes,” said Nguyen Van Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Tuyen Quang province.

Tuyen Citadel Festival 2022 opens - ảnh 1

The demonstrated lanterns illustrated the creativeness of artisans in Tuyen Quang

This year’s opening ceremony, entitled Sparkling colours of Tuyên citadel’s night, was held in Nguyễn Tất Thành square and featured one-of-a-kind giant lantern models based on six different themes: Oriental mascots, carp, heroes of Vietnamese history, folk tales, environmental protection, and integration. With an eye toward expanding the festival’s reach to the world in future years, the Xiangkhouang Art Troupe of Laos was performed at this year’s event. About 100,000 people were anticipated to attend this year’s Tuyên Citadel Festival. As part of the festivities, on Saturday (September 3) the Then practice of Tày, Nùng, and Thái ethnic groups was officially recognized as intangible cultural heritages of humanity.

Edited by Center for Information Library