The 3rd Trade Union Congress of BAFU for the term 2023-2028

(BAFU) – On the morning of May 21, 2023, the Trade Union of Bac Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry solemnly held the 3rd Congress, term 2023 – 2028 with the theme “Democracy – Solidarity – Innovation – Responsibility” in order to evaluate the implementation of the Resolution of the Grassroots Trade Union Congress for the term 2017 – 2022, determine the directions of the Trade Union work and elect a new Executive Board with sufficient capacity, qualifications and enthusiasm to fulfill the mission and tasks of the Trade Union for the next term.

Attending the Congress,  representatives of leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy, Commissioner Party Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Commissioner Presidium of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Chairman of Vietnam Agriculture and Rural Development Union; Mr. Trieu Ngoc Trung – Deputy Director, Chairman of the Trade Union of Bac Giang Department of Science and Technology and leaders of the Inspection Committee, Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, representatives of the Trade Union of VNUF, Vietnam Academy of Agriculture, Northeast Agriculture and Forestry College.

On the side of BAFU, there were: Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Quang Ha – Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector; Dr. Dang Xuan Anh – Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of BAFU’s Council, the Board of Directors, leaders of units and mass organizations with 199 delegates, representing union members of the University.

MSc. Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung – Chairwoman of the BAFU’s Trade Union giving the opening speech of the Congress

Speaking at the Congress, on behalf of the Executive Committee the 2th BAFU Trade Union,  Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung – Chairwoman of Trade Union  presented a report to summarize trade union activities in the term 2017-2022 and the direction and tasks of trade union activities in the term 2023-2028.. She emphasized: It is necessary to renew the contents and methods of implementation, diversify forms of advocacy, and forms of educational propaganda to convey the policies of the Party, government and trade unions to members; regularly pay attention to and care for policy families and families in the extremely difficult circumstances; create conditions and opportunities for female employees to show their capacity; take advantage of the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, actively coordinate with the Board of Rectors to effectively implement the contents of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training to meet the requirements of industrialization – modernization in terms of market economy and international integration; pay attention to building a team of trade union cadres who are knowledgeable, dynamic, creative, brave, dedicated, and prestigious.

The Congress also heard a review report of the Executive Committee of the 2th Trade Union. In addition, a discussion on the activities of the University’s Trade Union was also held.

Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Quang Ha – Secretary of the Party Committee spoke at the Congress

Speaking at the Congress, Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Quang Ha – Secretary of the Party Committee, the BAFU’s Rector recorded and praised the achievements of the School’s Trade Union in the last term; completely agreed with a report summarizing trade union activities for the term 2018 – 2023 and directions for the term 2023-2028 presented by the incumbent Executive Board. At the same time, the Executive Board of the Trade Union actively participates in the formulation and supervision of the implementation of laws, mechanisms, and policies of the Party and the government, performs well in its role of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees.

Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy, Chairman of Vietnam Agriculture and Rural Development Trade Union delivered his speech

Speaking to direct the Congress, Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy – Chairman of the Vietnam Agriculture and Rural Development Trade Union praised the achievements in the trade union work of the university and highly appreciated the preparation work of the Congress.

Also at the congress, Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy and the BAFU’s leadership awarded many certificates of merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in trade union activities.

The Executive Committee of the 3th Trade Union, term 2023 – 2028 at the Congress

With the spirit of “Democracy – Solidarity – Innovation – Responsibility”, the Congress highly agreed on the Personnel Project of the Executive Board of the Trade Union for the term 2023-2028. The Congress elected the Executive Board for the term 2023-2028 including 11 members and the delegations to attend the 6th Congress of Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development, term 2023 – 2028 and the 18th Bac Giang Trade Union Congress, term 2023-2028.

The Trade Union Congress of BAFU, term 2023-2028 is an important political event that both affirms the strong development and includes exciting and extensive political activities for trade union organizations. It was a great success with trust in the direction of the Trade Union of Agriculture and Rural Development, BAFU’s Party Committee. With the coordination and support of the Board of Rectors, the new Executive Board of the Trade Union will implement effectively the resolutions of the Party and the Trade Union Congress at all levels, contribute to the excellent completion of the set goals, take care of and improve the lives of employees and lead BAFU to develop sustainably.

Center for Information and Library – BAFU