PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh successfully defended her doctoral thesis at Beijing Forestry University (北京林业大学)

(BAFU) – On May 26th, 2024, PhD student Duong Thi Thanh successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled “Research on the forest carbon sink market in Vietnam” at Beijing Forestry University (BFU), China. Her thesis was supervised by Prof. Zhangying (major in Forestry Economics and Management at BFU).

The study focuses on assessing the current status; potential demand and market supply; factors affecting the the forest carbon market in Vietnam, thereby proposing solutions to develop this field, including a proposed solution of a trading model for the forest carbon market in Vietnam. This is a topic of great scientific and practical significance in the context that Vietnam has great potential for carbon credit supply, including forest carbon.

After PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh presented her thesis findings briefly, the committee members and the examiners pointed out the scientific and practical contributions of the thesis. They also gave constructive comments, feedback, and questions related to the research contents. Ms Thanh thanked the comments and answered all the questions raised by the committee members.

PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh and members of the committee

PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh and her supervisor (Prof. Zhangying)

Speaking after completing thesis defense, PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh gave a sincere and deep thank to the members of the committee, her supervisors, Rectorate Board of BFU and BAFU, her friends, her colleagues, and especially her family, who had created favorable conditions and encouraged her during her PhD. journey in order that she managed to successfully complete the doctoral thesis.

Congratulations to PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh on her achievements!

Source: PhD. candidate Duong Thi Thanh

Edited by: Center for Information and Library – BAFU