Guangxi Normal University, China delegation pays working visit to Bac Giang Agriculture and Forestry University (BAFU)

(BAFU) – On May 15, 2024, the delegation of Guangxi Normal University led by Prof. Wu Zhengquan – Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences visited and worked with BAFU.

Working with the delegation were the representatives of BAFU including Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duong – Vice Rector, along with leaders of the Department of Science & International Cooperation, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine, Center for Foreign Languages ​​- Informatics and Than Nhan Trung High School.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duong – Vice Rector of BAFU (on the right)

Addressing at the working session, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duong discussed the contents of training cooperation for students of BAFU studying at Guangxi Normal University; In-depth discussion on “Joint Laboratory for Cross-Border Biodiversity Conservation between Vietnam – China”. The Vice Rector also said that “BAFU will send officials to China for training on seedlings, genetics and sampling of plants and animals at Guangxi Normal University in September 2024. Simultaneously, Guangxi Normal University will send staff to BAFU to teach training courses on high-tech agricultural techniques for BAFU officials and agricultural staff in Bac Giang province”. 

Prof. Wu Zhengquan – Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University

After discussion and agreement, the two Universities will cooperate in the spirit of solidarity and strength to promote the development of high-quality human resources for the economies and cultures of the two countries.

Guangxi Normal University presented souvenirs to BAFU

The delegates took photos at the working session

Guangxi Normal University was founded in 1932 and is a key university of the Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi. Located in Guilin, a well-known tourist city with a long history and culture. The University has 03 campuses with a total area of ​​270 hectares with the largest number of Vietnamese students among universities in China (nearly 1,000 students).

News: Nguyen Nga

Translated by: Hoa Nguyen