All faculties completed preliminary summing-up for the first semester of academic year 2017-2018

(BAFU) Implementation of the school’s plan (from March 14 to March 22, 2018), the  Faculties in the whole school organized preliminary summing-up for the first semester of  2017-2018 academic year .

Food Technology Faculty held a Preliminary summing-up for the first semester of  2017-2018 

Attending the preliminary summing-up of the faculties were representatives of Youth Union Executive Committee, Students’ Association, Leaders of Training Department, Politics & Student Management Department, Educational testing and Quality Assurance Department and all officials, lectures, students in the whole faculties.

In the first semester of 2017 – 2018, teachers and students of BAFU have obtained many achievements in teaching, learning and scientific research. According to reports of departments , 58% of students achieved good academic performance and over 90% of students achieved excellent, good and good marks. Especially in the first semester, 02 students were awarded the “Star of January” by the Central Association of Students Vietnam (Pham Thi Quyen – D-CNTP4A and Nguyen Thi Ha My -D-CNTY3A), that was a noble award for students who had outstanding achievements in learning and movement activities.

Dr. Khuong Manh Ha – Vice Dean of Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment presented a brief report 

Along with that, activities of scientific researches and transfer of science- technology have been deployed  such as “The project of planting tea with yellow flowers under the protective forest” carried out by the Faculty of Forestry, the Bac Ninh Forest Protection Department, the subject of research on the production of dried banana covered chocolate of Food Technology Faculty…

Dr. Nguyen Van Vuong, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy presented the awards to students who achieved excellent academic results 

In addition to the achieved results, the preliminary report of the faculty also pointed out the shortcomings in the past school year, such as: Lack of lecturers in some branches; breaking the exams regulations…  On the basis of these assessments, the faculties studied, discussed and proposed corrective solutions in the directions and tasks of the second semester of 2017-2018.

Mr. Ly Giang Nguyen – General Director of Newhope Company in the north (dark color shirt in the middle) and Dr. Tran Duc Hoan – Vice Dean of Faculty awards scholarships to students who had gained high academic achievements.

Dr. Nguyen Van Hoan – Dean of Forestry Faculty awards certificates of merit and rewards for students with high academic achievements

On this occasion, the Dean of the faculties  rewarded the students with high achievements in learning and training in the first semester. The achievements in the last semester were the results of the efforts for all staff, lecturers, students. Hoping that  faculties to continue making high academic achievements in the second semester of 2017-2018.

Tuan Le-Tran Trang