Candidates need to pay attention to right after matriculating in 2022

(BAFU) -The Ministry of Education and Training has just issued an official document guiding the continued implementation of university enrollment; College (Early Childhood Education) in 2022. From September 18 to 5 p.m. on September 30, 2022, the Ministry will open the system for candidates to confirm admission online.

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Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Training notes schools about admission confirmation and enrollment organization for candidates.

Specifically, the Ministry of Education and Training said that from September 18 to 17:00 on September 30, 2022, the Ministry will open a system for candidates to confirm online enrollment. The training institution guides candidates to complete the online admission confirmation process; Candidates can check the admission confirmation results after exiting and re-login the System.

Candidates who have confirmed online admission must continue to enroll at the training institution according to the plan, time and regulations of each institution.

The Ministry of Education and Training said that training institutions can start organizing admission at the same time as the candidate’s admission confirmation process, or organize admission after the candidate’s online admission confirmation process.

The training institution can monitor and download updated list of candidates for admission online on the System.

The Ministry of Education and Training notes that training institutions remind candidates who have not yet paid the application fee to continue to fulfill their responsibility to pay the examination fee on the online system.

Additional Admissions

In case the training institution fails to recruit the full criteria after the first round of enrollment, it may continue to recruit additional students. This selection is based on the number of remaining criteria after subtracting the number of criteria according to the content in the decision on handling of administrative violations (if any).

The Ministry of Education and Training also requested training institutions to update the list of successful candidates and enroll in batches, recruitment methods, and training forms in accordance with the data structure and regulations in the lists. on enrollment (general schools, difficult communes, extremely difficult communes…) and on time as specified in the System.

Handling petitions, complaints, complaints

The Ministry of Education and Training also requires that when there are petitions, complaints, and complaints about information errors (priority areas, priority subjects, admission scores, admission selection methods, selection combinations, etc.). .), training institutions should actively consider resolving or coordinate with relevant training institutions to settle according to regulations, ensuring the legitimate interests of candidates.

For candidates who are eligible for conditional admission by early selection method but fail to register successfully on the System, the training institution may consider additional admission as soon as those who have registered for additional consideration.

Training institutions must fulfill their commitments to candidates; advise, support and resolve reflections, complaints and protect the legitimate interests of candidates in cases of risks that have been announced in the enrollment scheme as prescribed.

In case the results of settlement of complaints or complaints change the admission results, the training institution must report it to the Ministry of Education and Training to update it into the System and serve the inspection and examination.

Edited by Center for Information and Library