Graduation Ceremony and Official Handover of Graduates to Businesses

(BAFU) – On the morning of July 13, 2024, Bac Giang Agriculture and Forestry University (BAFU) held a closing ceremony and awarded Bachelors’ Degrees  to full-time graduates of the 10th Course,  9th Course in Veterinary Medicine. At the same time, the Business Connection program and the Handover Ceremony of graduates to businesses in 2024  took place.

Participants attended in the ceremony were leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Center for Education Accreditation – Association of Vietnam Colleges and Universities, Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Bac Giang province, Department of Foreign Affairs of Bac Giang province, People’s Committee of Viet Yen Town, Bich Dong Ward and 21  business partners. 

On the side of BAFU, there was Prof.Dr. Pham Bao Duong – Party Committee Secretary, Rector; Dr. Dang Xuan Anh – Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of BAFU Council; Comrades in the Party Committee, Board of Rectors, BAFU Council, along with  the staff, lecturers, students and pupils.

Prof.Dr. Pham Bao Duong and Dr. Mai Thi Huyen awarded Bachelors’ Degrees and Certificates of Merit to excellent graduates

At the ceremony, BAFU awarded diplomas to 126 students in Veterinary Medicine, Crop Science, Plant Protection, Land Management, Accounting, Economics, Animal Husbandry, Chinese Language and commended 08 outstanding students, 11 students with excellent academic achievements, and 01 student with achievements in community building.

Representing the bachelors who received their bachelors’ degrees, student Dang Phuong Anh expressed her pride in studying at BAFU, and sent her sincere thanks to the BAFUs Rectory Board as well as lecturers who had always cared about and guided different student generations in the learning process

Ceremony of handing over Cooperation Agreements between BAFU and Businesses

(The event  affirmed the BAFU’s close cooperation relationship with Businesses in training and creating job opportunities for graduates)

Handover Ceremony of graduates between BAFU and Businesses

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duong – Vice Rector delivered his speech

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Duong – Vice Rector congratulated and praised the efforts of new bachelors in studying and training to complete the courses. “With the educational philosophy “Comprehensive – Adaptive – Creative”, BAFU constantly improves the quality of teaching, research and supports learners with the best learning environment. New graduates have made great efforts to achieve remarkable achievements like today. BAFU always believes that you will  promote the knowledge and skills to contribute to building and protecting the Fatherland.”, the Vice Rector emphasized in his speech.

Toan Thang Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company,  Win Pharma Group Joint Stock Company,QH Tech Company Limited, Hacao Stock Company sponsored the Study Promotion Fund for BAFU

News & Photos: Nguyen Nga, Duy Hoang