Timeline of the high school graduation exam 2022

High school graduation exam schedule 2022 closes on 7-8/7. Outside of the above time, based on the developments of the Covid-19 epidemic and the proposal of the Chairman of the People’s Committees of the provinces and cities, the Ministry will consider organizing an additional exam for candidates who cannot take the exam according to the schedule due to the influence of the pandemic. 

Thus, this year’s exam schedule takes place around the same time as 2021. Last year, due to a strong outbreak of Covid-19, the exam was held one more time in early August. However, some provinces and cities severely affected by the epidemic, it was not possible to organize the second round, so thousands of candidates had to give a special way to graduate from high school.

This year basically keeps the organization method stable like in 2021. To be considered for graduation, high school candidates must complete three independent exams and one combination exam, which is three independent exams in Mathematics, Literature and Literature. , Foreign language and two combined lessons are Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Social Science (History, Geography, Citizenship Education for candidates studying in general education program) ; or History, Geography for candidates in continuing education programs). The exam content is still in the high school curriculum, mainly in grade 12.

High school graduation exam schedule 2022 closes on 7-8/7